We are always work­ing to make the soft­ware eas­i­er and faster for you to use. Here is the lat­est round of addi­tions bring­ing us clos­er to our goal of mak­ing the soft­ware effort­less.

New Menu on the Mobile App Home Screen

For: ES Opti­miz­er Users
Loca­tion: ES Mobile Man­ag­er App / ES Opti­miz­er Mod­ule

Sev­er­al great fea­tures have been added to ES Opti­miz­er Mobile. So, the menu on the home screen has changed to reflect the application’s broad­er capa­bil­i­ties which are defined below.

You will now see “ES Opti­miz­er” where the “Qual­i­ty Man­age­ment” but­ton was. You will still click this but­ton to con­duct Qual­i­ty Inspec­tions, but there are also new, excit­ing fea­tures under this mod­ule. Read on to learn more.





Schedule Tasks & Projects in the ES Optimizer Module of the Mobile App

For: ES Opti­miz­er Users
Loca­tion: ES Mobile Man­ag­er App / ES Opti­miz­er Mod­ule

Man­agers or super­vi­sors can now sched­ule tasks on their Apple devices for tech­ni­cians in the ES Opti­miz­er Mod­ule of the mobile app. You will see a new item, “Task and Projects”, in the ES Opti­miz­er menu.

If you use Ser­vice Opti­miz­er, rooms that are com­plet­ed in that app will appear in ES Opti­miz­er as recent­ly cleaned rooms that are ready to be inspect­ed.

You’ll be able to per­form the fol­low­ing oper­a­tions under Task and Project:

  • Add/Edit/Delete/Complete Task
  • Sched­ule Project
  • Com­plete Project
  • Add Project Score

Create New Inspections in the ES Optimizer Module on the Mobile App

For: ES Opti­miz­er Users
Loca­tion: ES Mobile Man­ag­er App / ES Opti­miz­er Mod­ule / Inspect

In the past users could only cre­ate inspec­tions in the web appli­ca­tion. Now they can be cre­at­ed in the mobile app as well.

When you choose “Inspect” in the ES Opti­miz­er mod­ule of the mobile app, you will now see the “Add New Inspec­tion” fea­ture. Click this but­ton to add an inspec­tion right on your mobile device.


More Ways to Search for a Room in the Mobile App when adding a Room to a Quality Inspection

For: ES Opti­miz­er Users
Loca­tion: ES Opti­miz­er Mobile App / ES Opti­miz­er Mod­ule / Inspect

When you pull up an inspec­tion in the ES Opti­miz­er mod­ule of the mobile app, there are already rooms assigned to the inspec­tion.  How­ev­er, if you’d like to add a room, you can do so by click­ing on the “+Room” but­ton:

Pre­vi­ous­ly, users could only find a room by search­ing on the Sub­sec­tion of the build­ing where the room is locat­ed. Now, users have more ways to fil­ter rooms –

  • By Sub­sec­tion
  • By Assign­ment
  • By Room Type
  • By Recent­ly Cleaned Rooms

– This fea­ture is avail­able when

used with Ser­vice Opti­miz­er! –

When user taps on “+Room”, the screen to the right will be shown to user.


Syncing has been streamlined

For: All Users (ES Opti­miz­er, Sur­vey Opti­miz­er & Ser­vice Opti­miz­er)
Loca­tion: ES Opti­miz­er & Sur­vey Opti­miz­er Web Apps

Sync­ing data from the web app to the mobile app and vice ver­sa has been stream­lined!

When you make changes on the web appli­ca­tion, they have to be synced to the mobile app and vice ver­sa. Before, this process required a two-step process: 1) tap­ping “Sync” on your mobile device and click­ing “Sync” on the web app.

Now it’s just a one-step process. You only have to tap “Sync” on your mobile device. Changes you make in the web app, will auto­mat­i­cal­ly be stored in your data­base.




Every Detail Counts

When you’re work­ing to increase pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, every detail counts. We hope you find these small addi­tions as big of a game chang­er as we do.


As always, if you have ques­tions, con­tact Tech Sup­port at 800–260-8665, exten­sion 2.
Con­tact Con­sult­ing Ser­vices at exten­sion 11 to speak to your account rep­re­sen­ta­tive.