
Have you ever been asked to reduce clean­ing for cer­tain room types? Office Clean­ing is a com­mon tar­get because in most facil­i­ties this is com­mon­ly set to be cleaned 5 days per week. Now ES Opti­miz­er allows you to low­er the fre­quen­cy to 1 day per week and com­mu­ni­cate which day of the week it needs to be cleaned to the ES work­er. The soft­ware also allows you to bal­ance the work equal­ly across the 5 days of the week.

Let’s go through this exam­ple and see how ES Opti­miz­er makes the whole process easy. First, let’s go to Mass Updates and “Update Room Fre­quen­cy”, then “Select Rooms to Make Changes to”.


In the case, we are going to choose the 3 office room types and FIND…


Now that are rooms are select­ed, we can update the new fre­quen­cy to 1, select All or a Sub­set of Rooms, and press UPDATE…


The next step is to update those assign­ments that we have reduced the office clean­ing. Choose “Update Assign­ments Day of Week” and the affect­ed assign­ments will be list­ed.  Now, click on the Cal­en­dar icon to make the prop­er adjust­ments…


Now all that is left to do is tag the day each office should be cleaned. ES Opti­miz­er makes it easy to see how many min­utes are assigned to each day. When you are sat­is­fied with the results click SAVE.


The days we want the office cleaned are now print­ed and effec­tive­ly com­mu­ni­cat­ed to the ES Employ­ee on the Dai­ly Assign­ment…


This is a great tool to help man­age your dai­ly work flows. You can also incor­po­rate this into the Notes as well…


We hope you find val­ue in the pow­er­ful new fea­ture!