As part of our com­mit­ment to our users, we are once again invest­ing in your suc­cess. We are proud to announce our newest fea­ture: Sur­vey Opti­miz­er Dash­board

What is Survey Optimizer?

Sur­vey Opti­miz­er from Smart Facil­i­ty Soft­ware sup­ports your qual­i­ty assur­ance efforts for Joint Com­mis­sion com­pli­ance, black light inspec­tions and patient sat­is­fac­tion. The online soft­ware lets you eas­i­ly build any sur­vey on your desk­top and con­duct it in the field on your mobile device. It can be inte­grat­ed with your ES Opti­miz­er data and auto­mat­i­cal­ly sends com­plet­ed sur­vey data to your desk­top for easy report­ing.

The Survey Optimizer Dashboard

Sur­vey Opti­mzi­er has always had com­pre­hen­sive report­ing capa­bil­i­ties where you can design and run reports on sys­tem usage and sur­vey results. But, now your data is also avail­able for quick view­ing at the click of a but­ton in the new Dash­board.

Dash­board Fea­tures Include:

  • Ensure depart­ments are com­plet­ing sur­veys on a reg­u­lar basis with built-in sys­tem usage graphs.
  • Cre­ate cus­tom sur­vey results graphs for instant view­ing on the dash­board.
  • Export your graphs from the dash­board to be used in Pow­er­Point, Word or Excel.
  • Fil­ter data by date range. Choose from 3 months, 6 months, Cur­rent Year or select a cus­tom date range.
  • Fil­ter each graph on the dash­board indi­vid­u­al­ly by employ­ee and/or date range.
  • Cre­ate dif­fer­ent dash­boards for each depart­ment.

Here’s how it works!

Viewing the Dashboard

In Sur­vey Opti­miz­er, click on the “Dash­board” icon to see your dash­board.


Your Dash­board defaults to show­ing all sys­tem usage graphs. If you have per­mis­sion to see mul­ti­ple depart­ments, choose the depart­ment dash­board you’d like to see from the User Group drop down list.


Choose a date range you would like to review.

Set­ting up the Dash­board

To change the charts you see in a depart­men­t’s dash­board, click the “Dash­board Set­tings” but­ton on the right side of your screen.


The “Edit Dash­board Set­tings” page will appear.


For each depart­ment there are two types of graphs to choose from:

1) Sys­tem Usage Graphs — These are built-in graph­ic that are auto­mat­i­cal­ly includ­ed in all dash­boards.  Uncheck the check­box next to a graph to remove it from the dash­board

2) Sur­vey Per­for­mance Graphs — This is a list cus­tom graphs that have been built for the depart­ment.  If no cus­tom graphs have been cre­at­ed, this list will be emp­ty.


Cre­at­ing Sur­vey Per­for­mance Graphs

Click the “Add Graph” but­ton on the right hand side of your page.


The Sur­vey Graph Design­er will appear.

Select the user group and the list of avail­able sur­veys will appear.

Check the box next to the sur­vey for which you’d like to cre­ate a graph.

Next to “Data Point”, select the data point you’d like to report on

Next To: “Graph Type”: Choose from Bar Graph, Line Graph or Pie Graph


Goal Line — Set the goal line or leave it blank

Hit Save


You can cre­ate graphs for mul­ti­ple sur­veys at once as long as the sur­veys all have the same score type.


You will see your new graph, list­ed under “Sur­vey Per­for­mance Graphs”.


You can edit or delete the graph at any time by click­ing the icons under “Action”.

To add the new graph to the depart­men­t’s dash­board, check the box next to the graph.

Note: Each dash­board allows up to 9 graphs.

Close “Edit Dash­board Set­tings” to view the dash­board.