Data Migration & Verification
Accurate data is at the heart of efficiency and successful operation.
Therefore, we have data scientists working with you to get the site inventory right and to keep it accurate over time. In addition to performing the initial cleanable site inventory, we have two other data management services for capturing and updating your database.
Data Migration
Occurs Off-Site
Once this process is complete the benefits of having this vital information can be used for years to come. You will be able to accurately determine and justify the labor resources needed to meet the changing service needs of your dynamic organization.
Data Verification
Occurs Primarily On-Site
On-site verification of the room inventory ensures the numbers coming out in the staffing analysis are factually correct. Every management decision you make should rely on accurate data. Because it all starts with good data, keeping the rooms up to date is paramount to your success, as your facility may continue to expand and change over time. Assigning someone on your team to make these updates is a good practice.
Additionally, especially in facilities with dynamic growth, data verification can be performed to ensure the data is accurate and kept up to date.
We can do this for you; our process begins by outputting current facility data in an easy-to-walk format. Our data verification personnel will come on site to walk each area, and will make changes to the data in your live database. New buildings or floors that have not been inventoried before will be collected and loaded in to make sure these are collected and entered as well.