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Cleanable Site Inventory & Database Building

The foundation for accurate EVS staffing.

Our data spe­cial­ists use advanced tech­nol­o­gy to sur­vey and log all of the clean­able spaces in your facil­i­ty.

By sur­vey­ing each indi­vid­ual room, you will obtain a total clean­ing pic­ture of your facil­i­ty, which will serve as the foun­da­tion for ES Opti­miz­er func­tions going for­ward. We use laser mea­sur­ing devices, work­able floor plans, lap­top com­put­ers and our pro­fes­sion­al exper­tise to get the job done quick­ly and accu­rate­ly.

Site Inventory: the proven tool for navigating EVS management.

Cleanable Site Inventory

We cat­e­go­rize each and every room and col­lect the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion:

Room Description

A care­ful­ly con­struct­ed room name that makes it clear where the room (or space) is locat­ed.

Days/Week Coverage

Num­ber of days each week the space should be cleaned.

Daily Cleaning Requirements

The clean­ing tasks required in the space each day it is sched­uled to be cleaned.

Project Cleaning Requirements

Tasks required for project work in each space and their annu­al fre­quen­cies.

Room Size

The size of each room or space is mea­sured and doc­u­ment­ed in the data­base. Room sizes are used to cal­cu­late clean­ing times for the space.

Floor Surface

The floor sur­face of each room is doc­u­ment­ed and informs the clean­ing tasks and time require­ments asso­ci­at­ed with the room.

Cleaning Time Adjustments for Special Items

This field lets you account for any vari­ables unique in a room that will affect clean­ing times.

Database Building

We enter the data into a working database to a very strict specification.

Once this process is com­plete, your facil­i­ty will ben­e­fit from this vital infor­ma­tion for years to come. You will be able to accu­rate­ly deter­mine and jus­ti­fy the labor resources need­ed to meet the chang­ing ser­vice needs of your dynam­ic orga­ni­za­tion.

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