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Software Training

Train­ing is per­formed by one of our indus­try experts, which adds an enor­mous dimen­sion and ben­e­fit to the train­ing process.

Our expert intro­duces your man­age­ment team to the knowl­edge base con­tained with­in our soft­ware tools. They also learn how to imple­ment the pro­gram suc­cess­ful­ly using our care­ful­ly con­struct­ed plan. We have found the train­ing to be a vital com­po­nent in imple­ment­ing our soft­ware, as it is a man­age­ment sys­tem, not just a soft­ware pack­age.

Upon com­ple­tion of this hands-on train­ing, your staff will have gained the com­pe­tence to rebuild employ­ee work assign­ments, sched­ule project work, run qual­i­ty inspec­tions and use all the oth­er pow­er­ful tools with­in the soft­ware.

What’s in the Training

The train­ing is per­formed at your facil­i­ty in a com­put­er train­ing room, so no trav­el is nec­es­sary for your staff. We cov­er these top­ics in the train­ing:

Staffing Analysis

Build­ing staffing require­ments for your indi­vid­ual facil­i­ty, includ­ing how to deter­mine poten­tial cost sav­ings and ser­vice enhance­ments.

Work Assignments

Devel­op­ment of dai­ly work assign­ments into an easy-to-under­stand for­mat for employ­ees.

Census-Based Scheduling

Learn how to assign dis­charge quo­tas based on the dai­ly cen­sus.

Quality Management System

Set­up and use of the Qual­i­ty Man­age­ment Sys­tem, build­ing inspec­tions, log­ging inspec­tions, and view­ing reports.

Device Setup

We will walk you through the set­up of the Apple hand-held devices.

Conduct Survey

Per­form­ing a phys­i­cal sur­vey of your facil­i­ty and cor­rect­ly cap­tur­ing data via mobile device.

Data Sync

Syn­chro­niz­ing inspec­tion data to the cloud-based data­base.


Set­up of Days On/Days Off Sched­ule tem­plate, cor­re­spond­ing month­ly employ­ee cal­en­dar and atten­dance track­ing.

Employee Training Plan

Set­up of Annu­al Employ­ee Train­ing plan, log­ging train­ing and view­ing employ­ee train­ing logs.

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