Software Packages
Choose from 3 software products to build your package:
ES Optimizer, Service Optimizer, Survey Optimizer
Advanced Survey Capabilities
ES Optimizer
ES Optimizer (ESO) +
Service Optimizer
ES Optimizer (ESO) +
Service Optimizer +
Survey Optimizer
Survey Optimizer
Database of Facility DataDatabase of Facility Data
- At its core, ES Optimizer is a database organizing an inventory of all your cleanable space.
- Rooms are organized by buildings, floors, areas, and assigned tasks and cleaning frequencies.
- Vital cleaning metrics are assigned to each room: room type, square footage/units, floor surface and cleaning steps.
- Cleaning times and task frequencies for each room are easily viewed and adjusted.
- Over 90 healthcare room type cleaning standards developed over the last 30 years.
Staffing Analysis & ReportStaffing Analysis & Report
- Justify staffing requests with detailed, data-driven reports.
- Create unlimited Staffing Analyses based on complete, accurate facility data.
- Run, analyze and implement “What If?” scenarios to evaluate proposed changes to your cleaning program, such as budget restrictions or additional requirements on the EVS team.
Assignments & Scheduling
Daily AssignmentsDaily Assignments
- The software calculates cleaning time in each assignment as you build it.
- Multiple filtering capabilities to find rooms/tasks to add to work assignments—filter tasks by frequency, room type and location.
- Insert notes with time adjustments.
- Drag and drop rooms to put cleaning sequences in order.
- Automatic insertion of breaks based on cleaning-time totals.
- Choose from different work assignment formats for employees and managers.
- Combine assignments to build short staff assignments when absenteeism creates staffing challenges.
Census-Based SchedulingCensus-Based Scheduling
- Get a snapshot of patient room assignment workloads at the start of each day.
- Retrieve and import vital bed information from your ADT system.
- Easily set discharge quotas for each work assignment based on the day’s census.
- Analyze daily productivity results.
- Enter projects and flex-time data to create accurate productivity reports.
Project WorkProject Work
- Make a solid plan for project work.
- Create project assignments and work orders with a few clicks.
- Track scheduled projects versus completed.
- Know when projects are completed.
- Choose from default project frequencies or customize your own.
- View scheduled project work on a daily calendar.
- Create reports.
Days On/Days Off SchedulingDays On/Days Off Scheduling
- Build a custom master template from your work assignments.
- Drop-down menus show daily availability from one week to ten weeks out.
- Apply the master template across calendar dates with one click.
- Schedule PTO while seeing the holes in the roster.
- Print daily sign-in sheets and post schedules by employee and assignment.
- Run attendance reports with specific PTO data by employee.
Training & QA
Employee TrainingEmployee Training
- Schedule, document and manage employee training.
- Create your own in-services or choose from over 50 standardized classes.
- Schedule in advance and print accurate sign-in sheets.
- Document attendance and test scores.
- View and print individual training records.
- Report on completed classes, attendance and scores.
Mobile Training ManagementMobile Training Management
- Schedule training on the mobile app.
- Document attendance and scores on the mobile app.
- Mobile app accepts for employee signatures.
Mobile QA InspectionsMobile QA Inspections
- Create inspections based on daily assignments.
- Customize the scoring system.
- Conduct cleaning inspections in the field with our mobile app.
- No real-time internet connection required for data collection.
- Data syncs over the cloud to the ES Optimizer database—no secondary processes or data entry needed.
- Ability to attach pictures and comments to each inspection step.
- Access over 40 customizable reports.
Customer Service
Any Customer Can Submit Mobile Service RequestsAny Customer Can Submit Mobile Service Requests
- The software generates unique QR codes and texting codes signage for each space in the facility.
- Signs can be customized by room type, types of requests, and issues to report.
- Post QR code signage in any room or high traffic area.
- Visitors, patients and staff can request service on any mobile phone via QR code scan or text message.
- Service requests are automatically logged in the database and sent to the designated manager. The manager then dispatches the task to a technician. The technician then completes the task and marks it complete in the app, sending a completed alert to the manager.
Mobile Team Communications
Mobile Daily Assignments & Policing AssignmentsMobile Daily Assignments & Policing Assignments
- Drop paper assignments and checklists. Document daily and project cleaning on mobile devices instead.
- Technicians mark tasks complete as they go in the mobile app.
- Real-time dashboards and reports show managers the status of assignments throughout the day.
- Generate between-case histories with time stamps for lock-in staffing justification.
- Easily create cleaning log reports required by regulations or policies.
Mobile Task ManagementMobile Task Management
- Schedule, assign, and reassign tasks to team members from your mobile device to theirs.
- New task alerts delivered to technician’s device with audio and visual notifications.
- Technicians can document additional tasks requested by customers.
- Both technicians and managers can log and inspect completed project work with their mobile devices.
- Technicians can scan a room’s QR code to timestamp arrival or the start of the task.
Mobile Communications AppMobile Communications App
- Web-to-mobile, mobile-to-mobile, and mobile-to-web are in a single texting platform that keeps all team communications at your fingertips.
- Communicating via the communications app eliminates the need for EVS cell phones, pagers, and phone tag.
- In-app audio and visual alerts ensure incoming messages get read.
Real-Time EVS Dashboard (Web App)Real-Time EVS Dashboard
- View up to 9 charts in the dashboard.
- Customize the dashboard by choosing built-in charts or create your own.
- Filter dashboard data by employee, area, supervisor and date range.
Advanced Survey Capabilities
Build Any SurveyBuild Any Survey
- Build any unique survey.
- Choose from or modify built-in survey templates.
- Multiple scoring options — pass/fail, 1–5, etc.; or create your own.
- Location lists — Track where surveys are conducted.
- Surveyee lists — Track who is being surveyed.
- Control access with user groups.
- Option to require signatures on mobile survey.
- Add pictures of issues to mobile survey.
- Schedule project work from the survey as issues are discovered.
Mobile Data CollectionMobile Data Collection
- Upload survey data wirelessly to the cloud-based database.
- Attach location data pulled from the facility database.
- Track where your surveys are conducted, including departments and even rooms within departments.
- Eliminate paper surveys and data re-entry.
Data Ready for Instant ReportingData Ready for Instant Reporting
- Cloud-based — Upload data wirelessly to the cloud.
- Instant data entry — No more handwritten notes.
- Instant reporting — Choose from over 30 types of reports.
Swift AdoptionSwift Adoption
- Minimal setup and training.
Dashboards & Reporting
Customize your own dashboard to view any data in your database:- Choose data points and graph types
- Department Management Statistics, including: room inventory stats, cleaning times, employees/shift, project work completed, QA inspections
- Real-Time Progress Metrics, including: percentage of patient beds cleaned, total rooms cleaned by employee, total tasks completed by employee, restroom comments (ie. paper products out), duty completion rate for the day
- Survey Usage: number of surveys completed, Top 5 templates used
- Survey Performance passing rates vs. failing rates by survey, average score, number of faults — generated vs. resolved
Over 200 Built-in reports available on the data elements in the system. Some examples include:- Report on Room Inventory in multiple ways
- Cleaning Data
- Employee Training Reports.
- Export Daily Work Assignments
- Productivity Reporting
- Project Work Orders
- Cleaning Compliance
- Cleaning History & Policing History by Date and Time
- Export Reports to PDF, Excel, CSV, RTF, XML or Word. Print, Export or Email Reports
- Request Custom Reports
Enterprise Solution
Systemwide Dashboard & Control Panel (Insight Panel)
Enterprise Pricing
Make Any Package Enterprise to Add Insight Panel & Get Enterprise Pricing!
Live Tech Support
All Software packages receive Live Tech Support and access to a designated EVS Consultant.
Core Package
Includes ES Optimizer
- Database of Facility
- Staffing Analysis & Report
- Daily Assignments
- Census-Based Scheduling
- Project Work
- Days On/Days Off Scheduling
- Employee Training
- Mobile Training Management
- Mobile QA Inspections
- Dashboards
- Reporting
(Make Any Package Enterprise to Add Insight Panel & Get Enterprise Pricing!)
(All Software packages receive Live Tech Support and access to a designated EVS Consultant.)
Performance Package
Includes ES Optimizer and Service Optimizer
- Mobile Daily Assignments & Policing Assignments
- Mobile Task Management
- Mobile Communications App
- Real-Time EVS Dashboard (Web App)
- Any Customer Can Submit Mobile Service Requests
Premium Package
Includes ES Optimizer, Service Optimizer, and Survey Optimizer
- Build Any Survey
- Mobile Data Collection
- Data Ready for Instant Reporting
- Swift Adoption