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ES Service Optimizer.Mobile Service Requests.Digital Work Assignments.Real-Time Dashboard.

Add Service Optimizer to ES Optimizer. Get digital, mobile communication.

Put your entire EVS team in direct con­tact with each oth­er, track com­mu­ni­ca­tions and see progress on any device.

  • Mobile Team Communications

    Mobile Dai­ly Assign­ments & Polic­ing Assign­ments

    Mobile Daily Assignments & Policing Assignments

    • Drop paper assign­ments and check­lists. Doc­u­ment dai­ly and project clean­ing on mobile devices instead.
    • Tech­ni­cians mark tasks com­plete as they go in the mobile app.
    • Real-time dash­boards and reports show man­agers the sta­tus of assign­ments through­out the day.
    • Gen­er­ate between-case his­to­ries with time stamps for lock-in staffing jus­ti­fi­ca­tion.
    • Eas­i­ly cre­ate clean­ing log reports required by reg­u­la­tions or poli­cies.


    Mobile Task Man­age­ment

    Mobile Task Management

    • Sched­ule, assign, and reas­sign tasks to team mem­bers from your mobile device to theirs.
    • New task alerts deliv­ered to technician’s device with audio and visu­al noti­fi­ca­tions.
    • Tech­ni­cians can doc­u­ment addi­tion­al tasks request­ed by cus­tomers.
    • Both tech­ni­cians and man­agers can log and inspect com­plet­ed project work with their mobile devices.
    • Tech­ni­cians can scan a room’s QR code to time­stamp arrival or the start of the task.


    Mobile Com­mu­ni­ca­tions App

    Mobile Communications App

    • Web-to-mobile, mobile-to-mobile, and mobile-to-web are in a sin­gle tex­ting plat­form that keeps all team com­mu­ni­ca­tions at your fin­ger­tips.
    • Com­mu­ni­cat­ing via the com­mu­ni­ca­tions app elim­i­nates the need for EVS cell phones, pagers, and phone tag.
    • In-app audio and visu­al alerts ensure incom­ing mes­sages get read.


    Real-Time EVS Dash­board (Web App)

    Real-Time EVS Dashboard

    • View up to 9 charts in the dash­board.
    • Cus­tomize the dash­board by choos­ing built-in charts or cre­ate your own.
    • Fil­ter dash­board data by employ­ee, area, super­vi­sor and date range.


  • Customer Service

    Any Cus­tomer Can Sub­mit Mobile Ser­vice Requests

    Any Customer Can Submit Mobile Service Requests

    • The soft­ware gen­er­ates unique QR codes and tex­ting codes sig­nage for each space in the facil­i­ty.
    • Signs can be cus­tomized by room type, types of requests, and issues to report.
    • Post QR code sig­nage in any room or high traf­fic area.
    • Vis­i­tors, patients and staff can request ser­vice on any mobile phone via QR code scan or text mes­sage.
    • Ser­vice requests are auto­mat­i­cal­ly logged in the data­base and sent to the des­ig­nat­ed man­ag­er. The man­ag­er then dis­patch­es the task to a tech­ni­cian. The tech­ni­cian then com­pletes the task and marks it com­plete in the app, send­ing a com­plet­ed alert to the man­ag­er.


  • Dashboards & Reporting



    Cus­tomize your own dash­board to view any data in your data­base:

    • Choose data points and graph types

    Pre-Built Dash­boards that include:

    • Depart­ment Man­age­ment Sta­tis­tics, includ­ing: room inven­to­ry stats, clean­ing times, employees/shift, project work com­plet­ed, QA inspec­tions
    • Real-Time Progress Met­rics, includ­ing: per­cent­age of patient beds cleaned, total rooms cleaned by employ­ee, total tasks com­plet­ed by employ­ee, restroom com­ments (ie. paper prod­ucts out), duty com­ple­tion rate for the day
    • Sur­vey Usage: num­ber of sur­veys com­plet­ed, Top 5 tem­plates used
    • Sur­vey Per­for­mance pass­ing rates vs. fail­ing rates by sur­vey, aver­age score, num­ber of faults — gen­er­at­ed vs. resolved




    Over 200 Built-in reports avail­able on the data ele­ments in the sys­tem. Some exam­ples include:

    • Report on Room Inven­to­ry in mul­ti­ple ways
    • Clean­ing Data
    • Employ­ee Train­ing Reports.
    • Export Dai­ly Work Assign­ments
    • Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty Report­ing
    • Project Work Orders
    • Clean­ing Com­pli­ance
    • Clean­ing His­to­ry & Polic­ing His­to­ry by Date and Time

    Sur­vey Results reports ready as soon as a sur­vey is com­plet­ed.

    • Export Reports to PDF, Excel, CSV, RTF, XML or Word. Print, Export or Email Reports
    • Request Cus­tom Reports


  • Enterprise

    Sys­temwide Dash­board & Con­trol Pan­el (Insight Pan­el)
    Enter­prise Pric­ing
    Make Any Pack­age Enter­prise!
  • Support

    Live Tech Sup­port
    Ded­i­cat­ed EVS Con­sul­tant

See All Soft­ware Pack­ages

Elevate your Department with Game-Changing Technology

Put Your Work Plan Into Action with Real-Time, Mobile Management Tools.

When ES Technicians are connected with our mobile app, four fundamental operations are made easier, improving service consistency.

Digitally assign tasks and receive automatic progress updates from technicians. Technicians mark tasks complete on mobile devices, which sync to online dashboards and reports, saving managers hours of manually entering activity records from paper assignment logs.

Mobile Daily & Policy Assignments

  • ES Opti­miz­er paper assign­ment check­lists are now dig­i­tal.
  • Log­ging dai­ly/lock-in rou­tines and polic­ing assign­ments is now dig­i­tal.
  • Eas­i­ly log crit­i­cal and impor­tant clean­ing as required by reg­u­la­tions and poli­cies.
  • Eas­i­ly gen­er­ate between-case his­to­ries with time stamps for lock-in staffing jus­ti­fi­ca­tion.

Real-Time Task Management

  • Sched­ule, assign and reas­sign tasks to your staff.
  • Com­plet­ed tasks are doc­u­ment­ed with date and time spent.
  • Task alerts are viewed imme­di­ate­ly with audio and visu­al noti­fi­ca­tions.
  • Techs can doc­u­ment addi­tion­al tasks request­ed by cus­tomers.
  • Vis­i­tors, patients and staff can request ser­vice via QR scan sig­nage post­ed in high traf­fic pub­lic areas using a smart device.

On-The-Fly Project Work

  • Sched­ule and assign project work imme­di­ate­ly when you see it.
  • ES Techs or Man­agers can log and inspect com­plet­ed project work with their mobile devices.
  • See it, assign it and know the project will get done.

Technician Check-In & Check-Out

  • Use QR codes to know when a task begins and ends for each room or loca­tion.
  • Tech­ni­cians use a mobile device to scan the post­ed QR code unique to each room to begin the task. They then mark it com­plete before mov­ing on.
  • Man­agers can see com­plet­ed task alerts on their mobile device and check progress on dash­boards.

Your whole EVS team. One communications app.

  • Two-way com­mu­ni­ca­tion between man­agers and tech­ni­cians with an inter­nal text mes­sag­ing sys­tem.
  • Man­agers can eas­i­ly pro­vide EVS tech­ni­cians with more detailed instruc­tions, give feed­back, and receive updates.
  • All com­mu­ni­ca­tion is doc­u­ment­ed.
  • Elim­i­nates the need for pagers and phone tag.

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