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Dashboards & Reporting

The hospital operations dashboard showing EVS impact.

Pre-built & customizable setups — visualize, allocate, and report. Managers can visualize cleaning service requests and assignment status in real time. It’s an EVS performance dashboard that can be used to allocate resources on the spot, or to generate detailed reports based on selected time periods and multiple criteria.

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Reporting in Action

This is how it works.

1. Choose from pre-built or custom dashboards

Departmental management statistics include:

Room inven­to­ry, clean­ing times, employ­ees per shift, project work com­plet­ed, and clean­ing inspec­tion results.

2. View real-time metrics

Allocate resources on the fly. View:

Per­cent­age of patient beds cleaned, total rooms cleaned by tech­ni­cian, total tasks com­plet­ed by tech­ni­cian, restroom com­ments (paper prod­ucts out), duty com­ple­tion for the day.

3. Manage survey and cleaning inspection performance

Report the number of inspection surveys completed, and show:

Pass­ing rates vs. fail­ing rates by sur­vey, aver­age score, num­ber of faults — gen­er­at­ed vs. resolved.

Daily reporting at a glance — display up to nine charts at a time, including:

  • Per­cent Com­ple­tion Rate
    For Sched­uled Assign­ments
  • Per­cent of Patient
    Beds Cleaned
  • Total Tasks Com­plet­ed
    by Tech­ni­cian
  • Pub­lic Space
  • Clean­ing
    by Square Feet
  • Top 5 Room Types
    by Clean­ing Times
  • Project
    Work Com­plet­ed
  • Clean­ing
  • Employ­ees
    Per Shift

4. Choose from over 200 EVS reports with multiple filter options

Report in multiple ways:

• Clean­ing Data • Employ­ee Train­ing Reports • Export Dai­ly Work Assign­ments • Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty Report­ing • Project Work Orders • Clean­ing Com­pli­ance • Polic­ing His­to­ry

Export reports:

PDF, Excel, CSV, RTF, XML, or Word. Print, export, or email.

• View sample reports from nine categories.

Click here to view a sam­pling of EVS per­for­mance modules/forms in nine cat­e­gories, along with a one-line descrip­tion of each report.

See our EVS software in action.

Case Study

Smart Facility at CarolinaEast


Ser­vice Opti­miz­er

Visible, Real-Time Communications