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EVS Staffing Software

Get the right number of people.

Our Staffing Analysis tool in ES Optimizer creates staffing models based on time-tested cleaning standards and a complete set of your facility’s actual data — not a benchmark. Every facility is unique from case loads to room types. With our tool, you will input all metrics affecting EVS, and create detailed staffing requirements you can justify.

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Calculate Staffing with Actual Data — Learn the Cost

This is how it works.

1. Input information about your unique EVS operation.

  • Administrative Data

    Man­age­ment team, per­cent­age of ben­e­fits and more.

  • Operational Data

    OR cas­es and dis­charge vol­umes.

  • Lock-ins & Other Positions

    Includ­ing linen dis­tri­b­u­tion, and sup­ply room stock­ing.

2. Create your Cleanable Space Database.

Create an Accurate Database of Your Unique Facility’s Cleaning Data.

At its core, ES Opti­miz­er is an inven­to­ry of every clean­able space of your unique facil­i­ty, with clean­ing met­rics for each room. Instead of a mod­el based on bench­marked stan­dards, your data­base con­tains your actu­al and unique set of floors, rooms, and clean­able spaces.

  • Staffing data by Rooms Buildings, Floors, and Areas

    Rooms are orga­nized by build­ings, floors, areas, assigned tasks, and clean­ing fre­quen­cies.

  • Vital Cleaning Metrics by Room Type

    Vital clean­ing met­rics are assigned to each room by room type, square footage/units, floor sur­face, and clean­ing steps.

  • Cleaning Times and Task Frequencies

    Clean­ing times and task fre­quen­cies for each room are eas­i­ly viewed and adjust­ed.

Over 90 healthcare room-type cleaning
standards developed over 30 years.

3. Calculate Staffing Levels.

Justify labor costs for any situation.

  • Jus­ti­fy staffing requests with detailed, data-dri­ven reports.
  • Cre­ate unlim­it­ed staffing analy­ses based on com­plete, accu­rate facil­i­ty data.
  • Run, ana­lyze, and imple­ment “What If?” sce­nar­ios to eval­u­ate pro­posed changes to your clean­ing pro­gram, such as bud­get restric­tions or addi­tion­al require­ments on your EVS team.

Run staffing analysis reports at any time.

  • Total Dai­ly Clean­ing Hours
  • Total Annu­al Project Hours
  • Polic­ing Hours
  • Total Dai­ly Clean­ing FTEs
  • Total Between Case/Discharge FTEs
  • Total num­ber of Annual/Project FTES
  • Grand Total FTEs