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Mobile Cleaning Inspection App

Eliminate paper & data re-entry
with mobile QA app.

Conduct QA inspections in the field. ES Optimizer’s revolutionary mobile cleaning inspection software means quality assurance can be conducted on a mobile app — completely eliminating data re-entry, and producing instant reports and results.

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Inspection Software in Action

This is how it works.

1. Record Performance with a Mobile Cleaning Inspection

Base inspection on daily EVS room assignments.

Once a room in select­ed for QA, it shows up in your clean­ing inspec­tion check­list. Each check­list is auto­mat­i­cal­ly pop­u­lat­ed with the clean­ing steps for that room. Mon­i­tor qual­i­ty step-by-step and get a clear pic­ture of a house­keep­ing inspec­tion report — those areas where your team requires more train­ing.

  • Select rooms by assignment, floor, department and more.
  • Customize the scoring system. Attach pictures and comments to each step, if desired.
  • Track history of cleaning inspections by room, floor, or more.
  • Access over 40 customizable Housekeeping inspection reports.
  • No real-time Internet connection required to complete checklist and collect data.
  • Data syncs over the cloud to ES Optimizer — no data re-entry required.

Sample Cleaning Inspection Screens

Each room in the clean­ing inspec­tion check­list is auto­mat­i­cal­ly pop­u­lat­ed with the clean­ing steps for that room.

You can mon­i­tor qual­i­ty step-by-step and track a his­to­ry of inspec­tions by build­ing, floor, sub­sec­tion, or team mem­ber.

2. See Inspection Performance Results Immediately.

See passing rates and more.

Pass­ing rates vs. fail­ing rates by sur­vey — by room, floor, sec­tion, or tech­ni­cian. See aver­age scores across the board or by any room or oth­er break down. Record num­ber of faults — gen­er­at­ed vs. resolved.

Choose from over 200 default reports with mul­ti­ple fil­ter­ing options. There are hun­dreds of oppor­tu­ni­ties to pull data and illus­trate results.