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Mobile Team Communications

The text messaging app for your
entire EVS team.

Eliminate paper — see work assignments, get two-way communication.
Real-time messaging from web-to-mobile, mobile-to-mobile, and mobile-to-web, replacing cell phones and pagers, eliminating phone tag. Replaces paper assignment checklists. Technicians can check off task status as they go. Managers see daily progress at a glance in a real-time dashboard.

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Communications in Action

Hos­pi­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions app for man­agers and tech­ni­cians.

Woman holding tablet in hospital

1. Distribute work assignments digitally

Drop paper checklists, send work assignments to mobile devices.

Once the work plan is cre­at­ed in ES Opti­miz­er, tech­ni­cians receive their dai­ly, polic­ing & project assign­ments on mobile devices. They see detailed room lists, and can mark progress as they go.

2. Manage on-the-fly tasks & service requests

Eliminate delays in service request response.

Man­agers can receive, assign and reas­sign tasks on their desk­top or mobile apps. Tech­ni­cians receive the tasks imme­di­ate­ly on their mobile devices, with audio and visu­al noti­fi­ca­tions.

Mobile device showing assignments screen

3. Text message app

Eliminate the need for EVS cell phones, pagers, and phone tag.

All team mem­bers can com­mu­ni­cate over the mes­sag­ing app just as you would text mes­sag­ing — yet to and from any desk­top, lap­top or mobile device. And, all app com­mu­ni­ca­tions are secure and record­ed — avail­able for review.

Mobile device showing messaging screen

4. Real-time assignment status at a glance

Customizable display

When tech­ni­cians mark tasks com­plete in their device, the infor­ma­tion is record­ed imme­di­ate­ly. The real-time dash­board can dis­play up to nine charts, show­ing dai­ly EVS team progress.


Gen­er­ate between-case his­to­ries with time stamps for lock-in staffing jus­ti­fi­ca­tion. Easliy cre­ate clean­ing log reports required by reg­u­la­tions or poli­cies.

Use default or custom dashboard metrics, including:

  • Per­cent Com­ple­tion Rate
    For Sched­uled Assign­ments
  • Per­cent of Patient
    Beds Cleaned
  • Total Tasks Com­plet­ed
    by Tech­ni­cian
  • Pub­lic Space
  • Clean­ing
    by Square Feet
  • Top 5 Room Types
    by Clean­ing Times

Screenshot of cleaning dashboard