In 2017, Smart Facil­i­ty Soft­ware intro­duced Ser­vice Opti­miz­er, an add-on to ES Opti­miz­er that makes the entire ES Staff mobile – Tech­ni­cians as well as Man­agers. Tech­ni­cians receive their dai­ly assign­ments on a mobile device and log their com­plet­ed work as they go.

One of the excit­ing devel­op­ments that came with this func­tion­al­i­ty is the abil­i­ty for any cus­tomer to dig­i­tal­ly send ser­vice requests to Envi­ron­men­tal Ser­vices when a high traf­fic area is in need of atten­tion. The patient, vis­i­tor or staff mem­ber sim­ply scans the QR code post­ed in the area and sub­mits the issue.

Now via Text!

Start­ing now, mobile ser­vice requests are also pos­si­ble with a sim­ple text mes­sage. A 5‑digit phone num­ber (a short code) is post­ed in the high traf­fic area. Any cus­tomer or staff mem­ber texts their mes­sage along with the room code to the post­ed short code num­ber.

Whether sub­mit­ted via QR code or text, ser­vice requests are sent imme­di­ate­ly to Man­agers on their mobile devices, where they can task them out to Tech­ni­cians. The soft­ware cre­ates the QR codes, text num­bers and signs to post in your facil­i­ty.

To see how it works and request more infor­ma­tion, scan the QR code below call us at 800–260-8665.

Post a sign like this in high traf­fic areas to receive ser­vice requests in real-time.