Every year, nearly 1.7 million Americans contract hospital-acquired infections, which are transmitted primarily via high-touch surfaces. One of the most commonly touched surfaces? Cubicle curtains.

Almost every sin­gle health­care work­er who comes into a patient room touch­es the cubi­cle curtain––lab tech­ni­cians, EVS work­ers, food tech­ni­cians, nurs­es, and physicians––and every touch con­tributes to a patient’s risk of infec­tion. 

Cubi­cle cur­tains there­fore have to be cleaned reg­u­lar­ly, which is a chal­lenge for a num­ber of reasons––from set­ting clean­ing pro­to­cols, to sched­ul­ing the appro­pri­ate staff, to keep­ing track of the sched­ule, which gets com­pli­cat­ed when cur­tains are replaced ahead of sched­ule due to an iso­la­tion clean or being vis­i­bly soiled.

But as EVS Direc­tors know, it’s not just a mat­ter of keep­ing cur­tains clean. You also have to doc­u­ment the clean­ing in order to prove com­pli­ance with your facility’s poli­cies and pro­to­cols. In order to ensure your accred­i­ta­tion, your facility’s pol­i­cy must be clear, and you must have proof that this pol­i­cy has been fol­lowed. When it comes time for Joint Com­mis­sion cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, they will check for the exis­tence of cur­tain cleaning/replacement poli­cies and doc­u­men­ta­tion that they are being fol­lowed.

Doc­u­men­ta­tion of Cubi­cle Cur­tain Clean­ing Poli­cies Includes:

  • Doc­u­men­ta­tion of your facility’s pol­i­cy for clean­ing cubi­cle cur­tains;
  • Sched­ule of how often they are cleaned;
  • Train­ing pro­to­cols for clean­ing and chang­ing cubi­cle cur­tains, includ­ing how often these train­ings are sched­uled;
  • Proof that all of the above para­me­ters have been met.

As with so many oth­er things when it comes to EVS, it’s not just about the clean­ing: it’s about the entire work­flow.

Here’s How Smart Facility Software Can Help:

Manage Cubicle Curtain Scheduling & Tracking

With ES Opti­miz­er, you can build sched­uled tasks into the EVS work­flow so they aren’t for­got­ten. That includes not just dai­ly clean­ing tasks, but more infre­quent project work––like clean­ing or replac­ing your cubi­cle cur­tains.

Here’s what the soft­ware enables you to do:

  • Cal­cu­late time need­ed for cubi­cle cur­tain clean­ing, either by tak­ing an exact inven­to­ry of cubi­cle cur­tains in each indi­vid­ual room or by assum­ing all rooms with a par­tic­u­lar room type have cur­tains;
  • Set how often cur­tains should be cleaned by default for the whole facility––if need­ed, this can be over­rid­den either by indi­vid­ual patient room (e.g. if a cur­tain is vis­i­bly soiled and needs to be cleaned ahead of sched­ule), or by room type (if a cer­tain room type needs to be cleaned more fre­quent­ly);
  • Fil­ter project assign­ments to see all cubi­cle cur­tain clean­ing projects, and/or fil­ter by open ver­sus com­plet­ed projects, so you can eas­i­ly see what has been done and what still needs to be done;
  • Sched­ule the clean­ing;
  • As they clean each cubi­cle cur­tain, tech­ni­cians can log it as com­plete it on their mobile device––automatically doc­u­ment­ing the process in your sys­tem.

Track Cubi­cle Cur­tains in each room or assume all rooms of a par­tic­u­lar room type have cur­tains.

Document and Verify your Cleaning Process

With ES Opti­miz­er and Ser­vice Opti­miz­er Report­ing, you can eas­i­ly ver­i­fy that your facility’s cubi­cle cur­tains are being cleaned accord­ing to your facility’s pol­i­cy. There are two reports spe­cif­ic to cubi­cle cur­tain clean­ing:

  • Cubi­cle Cur­tain Clean­ing Log Report: This report shows cubi­cle cur­tain clean­ing data for a select­ed time peri­od;
  • Cubi­cle Cur­tains Over­due for Clean­ing: This report shows details for cubi­cle cur­tains that are over­due for clean­ing by at least sev­en days.

Using these reports, you can make sure that you nev­er miss a clean­ing. And when it comes time for cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, you will be ful­ly pre­pared to pro­vide what­ev­er doc­u­men­ta­tion is required.

Click to see the full cubicle curtain cleaning log report.


The most impor­tant role of EVS Teams is to keep their patients safe. ES Opti­miz­er helps share the load, by automat­ing cru­cial but tricky-to-track tasks like cubi­cle cur­tain clean­ing. And it lessens your admin­is­tra­tive bur­den, by doc­u­ment­ing the process so you can eas­i­ly report on it when it comes time for cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. 

If you’d like to learn more about how our EVS software can help your team, schedule a demo with us today. If you are already a client and have questions about how to pull reports or schedule cubicle curtain cleanings in your database, call us anytime at 800–260-8665, ext. 8 or email info@smartfacilitysoftware.com.