Smart Facility’s QR Code Technology keeps everyone connected with environmental services––ensuring that your EVS team has eyes on every corner of the facility, no matter where they are in the building. 

QR codes can be placed in every room in the hos­pi­tal to ensure that EVS staff are aware of clean­ing needs as soon as pos­si­ble––yes, this includes restroom alerts, but there’s also so much more you can do with Smart Facility’s QR Codes to stream­line clean in your facil­i­ty.

You can:

  • Retrieve a Room’s Assign­ments
  • Log Clean­ing & Polic­ing
  • Cre­ate Tasks
  • Report Round­ing Issues
  • Sched­ule, Assign & Com­plete Project Work

Every QR Code scan ties the activ­i­ty to a room’s record in your facility’s data­base for accu­rate noti­fi­ca­tions and report­ing.

QR Codes connect every person in your facility with EVS, including:

Internal Hospital Staff, Patients, and Hospital Visitors

QR codes can be placed in any room––from the mail­room to the MCU, from the restrooms to Risk Man­age­ment, from the ER to the ICU––to con­nect inter­nal staff mem­bers like nurs­es, physi­cians, and admin­is­tra­tors with the EVS staff. By scan­ning the code, inter­nal staff mem­bers can sub­mit ser­vice requests of any kind, from a trash emp­ty to a sup­ply restock.

Patients and hos­pi­tal vis­i­tors can also use QR codes to request ser­vice. The most com­mon use for QR codes when it comes to exter­nal cus­tomers like patients or hos­pi­tal vis­i­tors, is in pub­lic bath­rooms. Hos­pi­tal vis­i­tors can scan the code to indi­cate if the toi­let paper needs to be restocked, soap dis­pensers refilled, or trash emp­tied.

But it can also be used in patient rooms. If the med­ical staff wants to cut down on inter­rup­tions by reserv­ing the nurse call but­ton for only med­ical needs, you can install QR codes in indi­vid­ual patient rooms. Patients can scan them to request things like: 

  • Bath­room clean­ing
  • Food tray pick­up
  • Waste removal

EVS Managers and Technicians

EVS teams can also use QR codes to stay in bet­ter com­mu­ni­ca­tion with each oth­er. Man­agers can scan room codes to cre­ate and assign a project, while EVS tech­ni­cians can log clean­ings or polic­ings. 

Here’s how QR Codes work:

Any­one in the hospital––whether it’s med­ical staff, an admin­is­tra­tor, an EVS team mem­ber, a patient, or a visitor––can scan a QR code with a smart­phone. A link will then pop up on their screen, which will lead them to a form where they can select the type of ser­vice that needs to be per­formed. 

Once the form is sub­mit­ted, the request will be received in ES Opti­miz­er, after which the man­ag­er can assign it to the appro­pri­ate staff––or, if you use the Deci­sion Engine, it will be auto­mat­i­cal­ly assigned to a staff mem­ber accord­ing to the cri­te­ria you’ve set. Once the staff com­pletes the assign­ment, they can sim­ply log it as com­plete.

Already a Smart Facility Hospital? Call us at 800–260-8665 to learn how to implement these features. Want to add Smart Facility to your hospital? Call 800–260-8665 or click here to schedule a demo today!