We are so proud of the environmental services workers who fight on the frontlines of infection every day.

This week, we’re celebrating some of the people who keep their EVS teams running and their hospitals safe and infection-free.

EVS work­ers are a cru­cial part of the infec­tion fight­ing team: while med­ical staff fight infec­tions in the body, EVS techs fight infec­tion in the build­ing. One of the EVS teams that embod­ies this com­mit­ment to fight­ing infec­tion is the EVS Team at Children’s Health in Dal­las, who were recent­ly award­ed as one of the EVS Depart­ments of the Year for 2023

We reached out to EVS Man­agers at Children’s Health to talk about why EVS mat­ters, and rec­og­nize some of the heroes of their EVS depart­ment.

“Hos­pi­tals couldn’t oper­ate with­out Envi­ron­men­tal Ser­vices,” said Ray­mond Robin­son, Sec­ond and Third Shift EVS Man­ag­er at Children’s Health Dal­las. EVS Man­ag­er David Abrego agreed: “Although EVS does not pro­vide patient care, we do pro­vide indi­rect patient care by being the first line of defense against pathogens pre­vent­ing out­breaks and ill­ness­es.”

Here’s what they had to say about the EVS work­ers who keep their department—and their hospital—running:

Rosalie Similien

“Ros­alie Sim­i­lien has ded­i­cat­ed over 20 years to mak­ing life bet­ter for chil­dren. She has dis­in­fect­ed every area in this hos­pi­tal – such as the ER, OR dis­charge clean­ing, and area clean­ing – with a hos­pitable spir­it. She is also very flex­i­ble in our EVS oper­a­tions. Ros­alie is always will­ing to step in and help her col­leagues with­out hes­i­ta­tion. Ros­alie has had a huge impact on our team. Every area she cov­ers is in com­pli­ance with the stan­dards of Children’s Health. She strives to pro­vide the best expe­ri­ence for patients, team mem­bers and vis­i­tors.

– Raymond Robinson, Second and Third Shift Environmental Services Manager








Mairy Mabour

Mairy Mabour will do what­ev­er is asked of her, no mat­ter what. If Mairy sees some­thing, she takes care of it with­out being asked. She is very proac­tive and con­sci­en­tious, and also very hum­ble – she always greets peo­ple with a smile. Mairy was asked to par­tic­i­pate in a video for the Patient Expe­ri­ence team, where team mem­bers learn about the impact they’ve made on patients and patient fam­i­lies. Mairy shared how she takes pride in her work and great­ly cares about the chil­dren who receive care at Children’s Health.”

-Sonia Rodriguez, First Shift Environmental Services Manager








Maria Almaguer

“Maria Alma­guer is as pas­sion­ate as they come, and it shows in the qual­i­ty of work she pro­vides in the OR. While Maria’s inter­ac­tions with patients is lim­it­ed, the qual­i­ty of work she per­forms –like in between case clean­ing, end of day OR ter­mi­nal clean­ing – pro­vides our pedi­atric patients with a safe and thor­ough­ly dis­in­fect­ed envi­ron­ment. Her work has con­tin­u­ous­ly keeps patients safe in a sen­si­tive inva­sive unit. 

Maria is also one of the most pos­i­tive, friend­ly, sup­port­ive and car­ing peo­ple I know. She is a team play­er always will­ing to step in to cov­er gaps, train oth­er employ­ees with the utmost integri­ty, and encour­age oth­ers regard­ing their role. She brings a smile and bounce to her step every day when she comes to work. When Maria is off, you notice her absence. 

Children’s Health mis­sion is to “make life bet­ter for chil­dren.” Since join­ing Children’s Health, Maria has sup­port­ed three dif­fer­ent areas. To this day, I con­tin­ue to receive requests to have her reas­signed to those past areas because she is liked, trust­ed and cared for. Maria “makes life bet­ter for chil­dren” by always doing the right thing, and hav­ing the high­est of expec­ta­tions of her­self and every team mem­ber alike.”

-David Abrego, Environmental Services Manager



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