One of the most impor­tant things ES Opti­miz­er can help you with is doc­u­ment­ing Project Work. You can be ready with instant report­ing for Joint Com­mis­sion Com­pli­ance vis­its and any oth­er ques­tion on when work was done in a spe­cif­ic area. You can also sched­ule project work so you can stop drop­ping dai­ly assign­ments to put out fires.

Projects are auto­mat­i­cal­ly cre­at­ed with each room record based on the room type, floor type and your staffing analy­sis. You can use the Project Assign­ment mod­ule in ES Opti­miz­er to:

  • Track com­plet­ed work
  • Sched­ule and Assign project work so noth­ing slips through the cracks
  • Cre­ate work orders
  • View and Report when projects are com­plet­ed
  • Set fre­quen­cies for recur­ring tasks
  • View sched­uled work on a dai­ly cal­en­dar
  • Sched­ule and assign Project Work from the floor on your mobile device

Manage Project Work from Mobile Devices:

You can schedule project work on the fly while performing a QA Inspection using your mobile device. With Service Optimizer, technicians can log completed project work in real-time on a mobile device.


These videos can guide you through managing Project Work in ES Optimizer:

Create and Schedule Project Work

Make a Project Recurring

After you add a project, watch this video to learn how to make it recur­ring ES Opti­miz­er:

Search for Projects

Print a Project Assignment

How to Create a Work Order (or Assign a Project Work Order)

How to Schedule a Project while Performing a Quality Management Inspection

Ask us about man­ag­ing Ser­vice Requests and Projects on the fly with Ser­vice Opti­miz­er!