Managing without one is like sailing a ship without a rudder.

If you are an Envi­ron­men­tal Ser­vices Direc­tor, you know you need a detailed, accu­rate data­base of every clean­able space in your facil­i­ty — includ­ing the clean­ing tasks required. A site inven­to­ry is the most impor­tant tool to cal­cu­late and com­mu­ni­cate how many peo­ple you need to keep the hos­pi­tal clean.

With the inven­to­ry, you have the evi­dence to make the case for the resources your depart­ment needs to ful­fill its respon­si­bil­i­ties. With­out the data, it’s dif­fi­cult to con­trol the nar­ra­tive about how many FTEs are required.

Does creating a site inventory require a Pro?

Smart Facil­i­ty Software’s Chris Luci­er says, “When I was an EVS Direc­tor, I launched an ini­tia­tive to quan­ti­fy the space in my facil­i­ty and cre­ate my own inven­to­ry. While I had fun with it, the main thing I learned is why you should hire the pros to do it.

“To build an inven­to­ry for a new build­ing my hos­pi­tal was adding, I took blue­prints home, pulled mea­sure­ments from them on nights and week­ends for about 6 months. It seemed to me like I did a great job. I was pret­ty impressed with what I did…until I tried to use the data.”

In this one exam­ple, here’s what Chris learned about the dis­ad­van­tages of doing it him­self:

  1. While he spent six months build­ing his data, he lat­er found out that a pro­fes­sion­al team with the tools and train­ing could cre­ate the site inven­to­ry in less than two weeks. He learned this fact when his hos­pi­tal hired Smart Facil­i­ty Soft­ware.
  2. Struc­tur­ing the data was more com­plex than he esti­mat­ed.
    • Lack of Stan­dard­iza­tion: His data set had “Cat­e­go­ry Creep.” That means that as rooms were added, cat­e­go­ry names were changed and the data end­ed up with a lack of stan­dard­iza­tion. Rooms that should have been in the same sub­sec­tion had dif­fer­ent sub­sec­tion names assigned to them. The result was a loss of data­base func­tion­al­ly.
    • Room Order: The hos­pi­tal room’s num­ber­ing sys­tem was used to order the work assign­ments. But, the room num­bers didn’t put them in the order that a per­son encoun­ters when the facil­i­ty is walked, which is gen­er­al­ly the most effi­cient way to order work assign­ment tasks. There was a lot of pen­cil whip­ping to cor­rect doc­u­men­ta­tion as tech­ni­cians com­plet­ed and not­ed assign­ment progress in a dif­fer­ent order.
  3. Align­ing data with a bud­get requires doc­u­ment­ing clean­ing details.
    • It wasn’t entire­ly clear what infor­ma­tion was need­ed to accom­pa­ny the room data in order to run staffing num­bers. 
    • Details about room clean­ing were dif­fi­cult to quan­ti­fy in the data.
    • Align­ing the data to a final bud­get had a large mar­gin of fudg­ing in the final analy­sis.
  4. Future use of a site inven­to­ry is easy to over­look.
    • The data was col­lect­ed for the spe­cif­ic pur­pose of attempt­ing to cal­cu­late FTEs for the depart­ment.
    • The data struc­ture wasn’t struc­tured in a way that could be lever­aged for oth­er analy­ses or func­tions, such as task man­age­ment.

How Smart Facility Software builds a site inventory.

The Team
A team of data spe­cial­ists with exten­sive expe­ri­ence in this sin­gu­lar task walks the hos­pi­tal to col­lect data.  Most of these pro­fes­sion­als come from a back­ground in EVS or cus­to­di­al ser­vices. In addi­tion, the spe­cial­ists are trained in the meth­ods of Smart Facil­i­ty — a set of pro­ce­dures that have evolved over the past 30 years.

The Method — Actu­al Facil­i­ty Data
Unlike an indus­try bench­mark, Smart Facil­i­ty Soft­ware teams are cap­tur­ing your facility’s unique infor­ma­tion. Ulti­mate­ly, when you are using the data to per­form a staffing analy­sis, the dif­fer­ence between what’s the­o­ret­i­cal­ly pos­si­ble and what’s actu­al­ly doable comes down to bas­ing your reports on your facility’s actu­al unique data, instead of sta­tis­ti­cal bench­marked cal­cu­la­tions based on oth­er hos­pi­tals.

“Typ­i­cal­ly, when a facil­i­ty con­tracts with us, we’ll come on site to walk the build­ing, or cam­pus of build­ings, and cre­ate a clean­able space inven­to­ry that logs build­ings, floors, sub­sec­tions, and rooms. All of those spaces are part of a data­base of clean­ing met­rics, whether it’s a nurs­es’ sta­tion, a patient room, or a cor­ri­dor,” says Shawn Wright, Pres­i­dent  of Smart Facil­i­ty.

For each room or space, the record­ing includes square footage, floor type, fix­tures and the spe­cif­ic use of that room — or room type. The order of the rooms is record­ed as the actu­al floors are walked. Because, gen­er­al­ly, the walk­ing order is the most effi­cient path for per­form­ing tasks in work assign­ments.

The Tools

Laser Measurement

Laser Mea­sure­ment devices are used for pre­ci­sion and speed. While in most cas­es the dis­tances record­ed are hor­i­zon­tal and used to cal­cu­late square footage, the devices also make ver­ti­cal and cubic foot mea­sure­ments safer and much quick­er, when required. 

SmartSite Inventory 

Our pro­pri­etary Smart­Site Inven­to­ry soft­ware appli­ca­tion is used for record­ing facil­i­ty data dur­ing the walk. Ulti­mate­ly, the data is synced to your facility’s ES Opti­miz­er Data­base. Impor­tant­ly, this dig­i­tal data entry elim­i­nates the need for paper data record­ing and man­u­al data re-entry. 

The Data Review

The Data is reviewed for qual­i­ty includ­ing typo­graph­i­cal errors, omis­sions, and any incon­sis­ten­cies by our data qual­i­ty team. The review­er requests cor­rec­tions and asks for ver­i­fi­ca­tion of ques­tion­able infor­ma­tion. The Smart­Site Inven­to­ry app noti­fies the data spe­cial­ists of ques­tions or cor­rec­tions. Only after this review, and revi­sions are made by the onsite data spe­cial­ist, is the data “approved” and post­ed in the ES Opti­miz­er data­base.

We’ve measured a combined space 1.5 times the size of Manhattan

Over 30 years, SFS has record­ed over 1 bil­lion square feet of facil­i­ty space. That means our spe­cial­ists have walked every square foot of a space 1.5 times the size of Man­hat­tan.

We would be hon­ored to walk the space in your facil­i­ty.

Want to find out more about how Smart Facility Software can support your team? Call 800–260‑8665 or click here to schedule a demo today!