Environmental Services performance improvement planning software

As an EVS Direc­tor, you are like­ly tasked with devel­op­ing per­for­mance improve­ment plans for your depart­ment on an annu­al basis. An ini­tia­tive could be decreas­ing the amount of reg­u­lar waste in haz­ardous waste con­tain­ers. Or, it could be improv­ing turn­around time in patient rooms—for instance, all dis­charge rooms will be cleaned in under 45 min­utes. Or plan—how to noti­fy staff dis­charge is ready, how to set up cart to make sure tools are how they should be.

For any ini­tia­tive, per­for­mance improve­ment entails:

  1. Deter­min­ing base­line per­for­mance met­rics
  2. Set­ting goals for improve­ment
  3. Devel­op­ing new pro­ce­dures to meet the goals
  4. Mon­i­tor­ing those met­rics through­out the year and adjust pro­ce­dures accord­ing­ly

As an ES Opti­miz­er user, you have pow­er­ful tools in your hands to man­age this process. Here’s how:

How to Measure Specific Initiatives

Improved Work Assignment Performance

ES Optimizer’s Qual­i­ty Man­age­ment Mod­ule allows you to mea­sure for clean­ing per­for­mance based on clean­ing steps in your cur­rent work assign­ments. You can see a base­line of per­for­mance by per­son, loca­tion, or time frame.

You can set a vari­ety of improve­ment goals includ­ing:

  • Sim­ply rais­ing num­ber of sur­veys con­duct­ed over a peri­od of time
  • Improv­ing QA inspec­tion scores

Enhance Productivity

If your goal is to improve pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, it can be mon­i­tored for each cen­sus-based assign­ment under the Cen­sus-Based Sched­ul­ing tab. When you have a low­er than aver­age cen­sus, you can ensure that you’re using tech­ni­cians’ avail­able time in the most effi­cient way pos­si­ble by assign­ing dis­charge clean­ings and oth­er duties.

Improve Assignment Completion Rates in Real-Time

Ser­vice Opti­miz­er allows you to mon­i­tor the com­ple­tion rate of assign­ments and patient room cleans over a peri­od of time, as well as clean­ing com­pli­ance, ensur­ing that set stan­dards are being met. Since Ser­vice Opti­miz­er gives you the abil­i­ty to review this data in real-time, man­agers can prob­lem solve and make staffing adjust­ments to head off issues as they’re occur­ring, instead of after a report has been pulled at the end of the week or month.

Develop New Procedures to Meet the Goals

Your soft­ware can sup­port new pro­ce­dures by sched­ul­ing train­ing and build­ing new tasks into the Work Assign­ments. Using ES Optimizer’s Train­ing Mod­ule will allow you to sched­ule train­ing and track atten­dance and test scores over time. In the SPC Codes under Pref­er­ences, you can eas­i­ly mod­i­fy Clean­ing steps and they’ll be applied to all work assign­ments.

Monitor Results for Any Initiative

Report­ing—In any mod­ule of the soft­ware, you can run reports to retrieve the base­line met­rics and track progress over time.

For ini­tia­tives specif­i­cal­ly involv­ing clean­ing qual­i­ty, see reports avail­able in the qual­i­ty man­age­ment mod­ule.

For all ini­tia­tives requir­ing a site sur­vey (includ­ing clean­ing qual­i­ty), use Sur­vey Opti­miz­er to col­lect and report on the data. With Sur­vey Opti­miz­er, you can build any sur­vey for what you want to mea­sure. There are default sur­veys includ­ed, like patient room QA. But, you have com­plete flex­i­bil­i­ty to gath­er any met­ric. This could include:

  • Black light sur­veys
  • ATP sur­veys
  • Infec­tion Pre­ven­tion sur­veys
  • Any­thing you want to mea­sure or mon­i­tor

We’d like to sup­port you in devel­op­ing your Per­for­mance Improve­ment Plans. Please reach out to us if you have any oth­er ques­tions about how to gath­er data and incor­po­rate change into your pro­gram.