Interoperability Using HL7
The way we exchange data with admission, discharge, and transfer systems (ADTs) will be through an HL7 Interface.
Rather than building a unique interface directly with every possible ADT system, HL7 is a standard that allows many applications to share standard information. It is the most widely used standard to facilitate the communication between two or more clinical applications. The prime benefit of HL7 is that it simplifies the implementation of interfaces and reduces the need for custom interfaces.
Smart Facility Software uses a 3rd-Party HL7 Interface Engine. This means that the 3rd party receives the HL7 data from an ADT and strips out HIPAA data, sending our application only the necessary facility data. This way your patient data never touches our servers.
Here is the information that is exchanged:
As patients are discharged or transferred in a facility’s admission, discharge, and transfer (ADT) system, HL7 messages are sent to an interface engine, and appropriate tasks (such as a room clean) are triggered in the Service Optimizer software to clean patient rooms.
The Decision Engine distributes the tasks throughout the workforce. When environmental services team members mark a room ‘clean’ on their mobile devices, it triggers an HL7 message back to the ADT that communicates the room is clean.