ES Optimizer and Teletracking Integration
ES Optimizer has a specially designed interface with TeleTracking. When the two applications work together:
- ES Optimizer manages daily and routine cleaning activities and
- TeleTracking monitors the number of cleaned discharge and transfer beds.

ES Optimizer manages daily and routine cleaning activities.
Its Census Based Scheduling capability uses census data to calculate employee workload quotas for discharge cleaning activities balanced with routine cleaning activities. It determines quotas and transmits this information to TeleTracking.
TeleTracking monitors the number of cleaned discharge and transfer beds.
It also monitors pending discharge beds based on an EVS Professional’s daily assignment quota. It prevents an employee from being assigned more discharge cleaning tasks than can reasonably be completed in a timely manner by distributing work based on quotas.
Balance routine daily cleaning activities with discharge cleans.
Quotas are calculated based on census levels and required daily/routine tasks. The integration ensures both routine cleaning activities and dirty bed cleaning tasks are completed by finding available workforce to distribute discharge cleaning requests without disrupting scheduled cleaning tasks.
Data Shared
Application & Version Requirements
Census data (Occupied vs unoccupied beds)
Needed for calculation of employee discharge quotas balanced with daily activites
TeleTracking to ES Optimizer
ES Optimizer TeleTracking Capacity Management™ Suite 3.3+
Quota Information
Communicates quota for each employee and overflow behaviors
TeleTracking to ES Optimizer
ES Optimizer TeleTracking Capacity Management™ Suite 3.3+
Employee Quota Updates (discharge cleaning jobs completed by employees)
Required if quotas are recalculated during shift
TeleTracking to ES Optimizer
ES Optimizer TeleTracking Capacity Management™ Suite 3.3+