With HAIs on the rise, it’s even more important for EVS directors to have visibility throughout the facility, and for customers––both internal and external––to have access to the EVS team so they can report any issues that need to be addressed. That’s where Smart Facility Software’s QR Code Technology comes in: QR codes make it possible for EVS Managers to have all eyes on their facility, no matter where they are in the building.


Car­oli­naEast is a great exam­ple. The EVS team at Car­oli­naEast has been using Smart Facil­i­ty Soft­ware since 2002 to cre­ate effi­cient clean­ing plans, track results, and plan for improve­ment. In 2020, they added QR Code tech­nol­o­gy to expand their eyes and ears around the facil­i­ty, and to give every­one in the hos­pi­tal a fast track to the EVS team. 

Since imple­ment­ing QR Code Tech­nol­o­gy, the EVS team has been able to iden­ti­fy issues more eas­i­ly, respond to them more quick­ly, and under­stand the broad­er pat­tern of hos­pi­tal clean­ing needs. As a result, the EVS team has seen a 36% decrease in response time––a huge improve­ment.

“It’s so much more than just a QR code,” said EVS Manager Candy Dawson of the technology. “Our ability to communicate with EVS has grown because of this avenue of communication.”


Car­oli­naEast has imple­ment­ed QR Code tech­nol­o­gy in two ways: 

  1. Post­ing Ser­vice Request Signs with QR Codes in high traf­fic areas, and;
  2. Label­ing every sin­gle space in the facil­i­ty with a QR Code label so that any staff mem­ber can scan for ser­vice.

Here’s how QR codes have improved their EVS performance:

1. QR Codes makes it easier to report problems that require service

Auto­mat­ed ser­vice requests make it pos­si­ble for cus­tomers, whether inter­nal or exter­nal, to quick­ly and eas­i­ly get the assis­tance they need. They can sim­ply scan the QR code, open the link, and sub­mit a request.

This is true for staff across the hos­pi­tal as well––including QR codes in staff-only areas makes it eas­i­er for hos­pi­tal staff to let the EVS team know what their needs are, so they can address them in a time­ly man­ner. For exam­ple, EVS Man­ag­er Can­dy Daw­son received an email from the mail­room, ask­ing if their trash could be picked up more fre­quent­ly. She was able to demon­strate how to scan the QR code in their space to request ser­vice, enabling the mail­room staff to request ser­vice any time they had a heavy trash day––saving them con­sid­er­able time and frus­tra­tion.

As a result of these efforts, EVS requests have been great­ly reduced since imple­men­ta­tion of the QR code sys­tem.

2. QR Codes ensure that EVS knows about problems faster and can thus address them faster

QR Codes not only make it eas­i­er for cus­tomers to report prob­lems that require EVS ser­vice; they also make it eas­i­er for EVS teams to respond in a time­ly man­ner. When a cus­tomer or staff mem­ber sub­mits a request, it is received in the ES Ser­vice Opti­miz­er soft­ware, after which the deci­sion engine auto­mat­i­cal­ly directs the task to the appro­pri­ate staff. Once the staff mem­ber fin­ish­es the assign­ment, they can sim­ply log it as com­plete, leav­ing a record of when the request came in, and when it was com­plet­ed.

For exam­ple, when the EVS team at Car­oli­naEast deter­mined that phone calls from the morgue were not being respond­ed to quick­ly enough, they put up a QR code on the morgue door frame. Because the QR code doc­u­ments the entire event––from sub­mis­sion, to the EVS response, to the com­ple­tion of the cleaning––the team was able to iden­ti­fy prob­lem areas, and response times improved.

3. QR Codes help EVS teams learn which areas need more regular cleans and change their schedule accordingly

Over time, QR Codes also help EVS teams under­stand which areas of the facil­i­ty require more cleans, and change their sched­ule accord­ing­ly to ensure that these high-need areas are ade­quate­ly staffed. Hav­ing a record of QR code requests helps EVS staff track and report on what types of tasks are com­ing in and their fre­quen­cy, so they can get a bet­ter under­stand­ing of where they might need to adapt and improve.

Mon­i­tor­ing and track­ing QR code requests helped the EVS team at Car­oli­naEast deter­mine a pat­tern of issues with dirty floor­ing in the Emer­gency Depart­ment. EVS staff began round­ing more fre­quent­ly and cre­at­ing tasks on the spot in response, which has result­ed in patient sur­veys now report­ing dirty floors far less fre­quent­ly.


4. QR Codes saves management time by dispatching and managing tasks on their behalf

QR Codes can also save man­age­ment time, by eas­i­ly dis­patch­ing tasks and doc­u­ment­ing them through to com­ple­tion. The soft­ware func­tions as a cen­tral hub where all of these tasks are housed and report­ed on, mak­ing it eas­i­er for man­agers to not only assign tasks, but to under­stand their team’s per­for­mance, and make a plan to improve it.

The EVS Team set up their Deci­sion Engine to ensure that task requests are get­ting to the appro­pri­ate staff mem­ber, and EVS Coor­di­na­tor Angela Okell Wat­son guides staff mem­bers on how to use the soft­ware to receive and com­plete tasks. As a result, EVS man­agers at Car­oli­naEast are now freed up to more eas­i­ly mon­i­tor their team’s work, instead of spend­ing all of their time dis­patch­ing tasks. 

For exam­ple, EVS Man­ag­er Can­dy Daw­son began doing rounds on a reg­u­lar basis to check exam rooms at Car­oli­naEast. When she sees issues that need to be addressed, she scans the QR Code on the wall to open the ES Opti­miz­er Mobile app, from which she’s able to eas­i­ly cre­ate a clean­ing assign­ment task. Instead of field­ing con­stant phone calls, the team is now eas­i­ly able to receive and assign the list of nec­es­sary clean­ing tasks, and com­plete them quick­ly.


Want to find out more about how Smart Facility Software’s QR Code Technology can support your team? Call 800–260-8665 or click here to schedule a demo today!