Whether you’re refreshing a site inventory, or doing one for the first time, the accuracy of your data will have long lasting effects on your department’s success.

In a pre­vi­ous arti­cle, we talked about the impor­tance of a site inven­to­ry for man­ag­ing EVS. In this arti­cle, we’ll talk about the accu­ra­cy of staffing lev­els that are based on bench­mark­ing ver­sus those based on a site inven­to­ry.

When bench­mark con­sul­tants are engaged for your facil­i­ty, their exper­tise and focus is gen­er­al­ly on the clin­i­cal staff. Nurs­ing staffing, for exam­ple, varies by crit­i­cal­i­ty and is esti­mat­ed on a nurs­es-per-patient basis. For the same con­sul­tants, EVS staffing is often an after­thought. Most impor­tant, the exper­tise applied to clin­i­cal staffing is not the same as that required for EVS staffing. While patients come and go, the hos­pi­tal does not. The math for esti­mat­ing EVS staffing lev­els is alto­geth­er dif­fer­ent.

EVS staffing bench­mark­ing is based on esti­mat­ing the aver­age FTEs required per square foot. Unavoid­ably, how­ev­er, the data is drawn from a range of facil­i­ties, each with dif­fer­ent envi­ron­men­tal man­age­ment vari­ables. The esti­mates are not tied to your facility’s room types, sur­faces and clean­ing require­ments, just to name a few cri­te­ria. The result­ing analy­sis is gen­er­al­ly an over­es­ti­mate, or under­es­ti­mate, of your staffing needs.

A site inven­to­ry, on the oth­er hand, gath­ers data by mea­sur­ing your actu­al facil­i­ty, tai­lor­ing staffing lev­els to your spe­cif­ic space and unique tasks.  It’s not sim­ply a mat­ter of look­ing at facil­i­ty blue­prints; there are many mea­sure­ments involved. Here are the details that Smart Facil­i­ty Soft­ware col­lects to cre­ate a clean­able site inven­to­ry — and, there­fore — an accu­rate EVS staffing lev­el.

A Cleanable Site Inventory Includes:

Room Descrip­tion
A care­ful­ly con­struct­ed room name that makes it clear where the room or space is locat­ed.
For exam­ple — Building.Floor #.Subsection.Room Name

Days/Week Cov­er­age
Num­ber of days each week the space should be cleaned.

Dai­ly Clean­ing Require­ments
Based on the Room Type, the clean­ing tasks required in the space each day it is sched­uled to be cleaned.

Project Clean­ing Require­ments
Tasks required for project work in each space and their annu­al fre­quen­cies.

Room Size
The size of each room or space is mea­sured and doc­u­ment­ed in the data­base. Room sizes are used to cal­cu­late clean­ing times for the space.

Floor Sur­face
The floor sur­face of each room is doc­u­ment­ed and informs the clean­ing tasks and time require­ments asso­ci­at­ed with the room.

Clean­ing Time Adjust­ments for Spe­cial Items
This field lets you account for any vari­ables unique to a room that will affect clean­ing times.

Order of Rooms
This often over­looked detail is the order you encounter the rooms and spaces as you walk the facil­i­ty.  While this is not need­ed for a Staffing analy­sis, it does make the data set ready for use in build­ing work assign­ments.

Multiple Uses for Data

When done right, the data set plays mul­ti­ple func­tions in EVS Depart­ment man­age­ment in addi­tion to Staffing Analy­ses. Work Assign­ments, Cal­cu­lat­ing types of EVS Techs need­ed, and record­ing QA Inspec­tions results, for exam­ple, are more effi­cient and accu­rate when your department’s oper­a­tions are tied to your actu­al facil­i­ty data.

Learn more about the advan­tages of a Site Inven­to­ry, and how the pros do it.

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