This month’s soft­ware updates are sim­ple, yet impor­tant in pur­su­ing our goal for con­tin­u­ous improve­ments in your user expe­ri­ence.

The two changes are:

  1. Man­agers can now see Room Com­ments asso­ci­at­ed with clean­ing tasks in Mobile Man­ag­er. This gives man­agers the abil­i­ty to be aware of com­ments, resolve them, or cre­ate work orders right from their mobile device.
  2. Inspec­tions and Sur­veys now have an option on the Sig­na­ture Screen to select “Refuse Sig­na­ture” when a sig­na­ture can’t be obtained. This gives man­agers the abil­i­ty to view and report inspections/surveys by their sig­na­ture sta­tus.

How to Update Mobile Apps


Managers can now see
Room Comments on Mobile

When tech­ni­cians com­plete a clean­ing task in the Ser­vice Opti­miz­er Tech mobile app, they have the option of writ­ing com­ments about the room. They may record a rea­son why ser­vice was inter­rupt­ed in the room or report a main­te­nance need, such as a light-bulb need­ing replaced.

Pre­vi­ous­ly, man­agers could access these com­ments in the Ser­vice Opti­miz­er web appli­ca­tion. But now, they can also see them in ES Opti­miz­er Mobile on their mobile device. This allows man­agers to address the com­ments even while they are away from their desk.

The “Room Com­ment” but­ton shows all com­ments entered by logged in users for the cur­rent date.






Refuse Signature Checkbox

When an Inspec­tion or Sur­vey is com­plet­ed in the ES Opti­miz­er Mobile App or in the Sur­vey Opti­miz­er mobile app, there is a screen that asks for the employ­ee sig­na­ture. We have added a “Refuse Sig­na­ture” check­box to be used when the employ­ee opts not to sign or when the sig­na­ture can’t be obtained any oth­er rea­son.

When a user taps the “Refuse Sig­na­ture” check­box, the Sig­na­ture view will be dis­abled. The inspec­tion can then be saved with­out a sig­na­ture.






In the ES Opti­miz­er Web Appli­ca­tion…

The “Refuse Sig­na­ture” data will appear on the Inspec­tion Detail page in the Qual­i­ty Man­age­ment Mod­ule. A new col­umn enti­tled “Sig­na­ture” has been added.  “Refused” will be in red font when a sur­vey has been marked “refuse sig­na­ture” and the survey’s icon is red.

In the Sur­vey Opti­miz­er Web appli­ca­tion…

The Refuse Sig­na­ture data will appear on the Com­plet­ed Sur­vey page.


Refused Sig­na­ture Report

With this new check­box comes the abil­i­ty to report on Inspec­tions or Sur­veys that have been checked “Refuse Sig­na­ture”. You will find a new report enti­tled “Refused Sig­na­ture Report” in the Qual­i­ty Man­age­ment Mod­ule of ES Opti­miz­er and in Sur­vey Opti­miz­er.