Smart Facil­i­ty Soft­ware con­tin­ues to pro­vide bet­ter soft­ware tools for Envi­ron­men­tal Ser­vices and Cus­to­di­al Ser­vices nation­wide. We lis­ten to our clients who pro­vide feed­back, which allows us to evolve soft­ware tools, sup­port­ing your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.

This quarter’s round of soft­ware updates and enhance­ments is focused on stream­lin­ing the ES Ser­vice Opti­miz­er Tech Mobile app. We are hap­pi­ly deliv­er­ing “few­er clicks to hap­pi­ness.”



EVS Technicians can now Schedule their own project work in the App on the Fly

Until now, only super­vi­sors could assign projects to tech­ni­cians. But often­times, super­vi­sors iden­ti­fy project work in the field and make a ver­bal request to the tech­ni­cian on the fly. In this case, the tech­ni­cian can sched­ule their own project work right in the mobile app and mark it com­plete.

Instruct Tech­ni­cians to choose the “Sched­ule Projects” but­ton on the “My Projects” screen.



Techs can now see Shift details right in the mobile app

Tech­ni­cians will notice that their Shift time is added on the “Select Room” screen. Tap­ping on it will bring up fur­ther details.













Days of Week for cleaning tasks brings more clarity in the ES Service Optimizer Tech App

For clean­ing tasks in an assign­ment that aren’t sup­posed to be done every day, there is now more clar­i­ty on when to clean it. The Days of the Week are now shown in red next to assign­ment is the “Select Room” screen.


Techs can now Choose Assignments, Coverage Area, or Short Staff Assignments from the App

A Prompt will alert a technician upon login if their Assignment is not in their assigned coverage area.

This option prompts them to make sure they know where they are work­ing and allows them to update their cov­er­age area for the dura­tion of the assign­ment.

Employee has the ability to update their Assignment, choose a Short Staff Assignment, or choose a Coverage area.

When user clicks on this icon  a prompt asks about the cov­er­age area. Click­ing “no” pulls up a menu of options for chang­ing the Assign­ment, choos­ing a Short Staff Assign­ment, or choos­ing a new Cov­er­age Area.

Cubicle Curtain Cleaning — Tracking and Reporting made easier

Multiple New features to Track and Manage

See Project Work in addition to Daily Assignments in the Room Cleaning Screen.


A new fea­ture allows users to see any project work along­side Dai­ly Pro­ce­dures in a room record, both in the web app and the mobile app. Cre­at­ed espe­cial­ly for Cubi­cle Clean­ing, this fea­ture allows a more seam­less track­ing of project work that hap­pens along­side dai­ly assign­ments.

This is where it will show up in the mobile app. Dai­ly Clean­ing tasks are list­ed first, and then project tasks.




You can now Add the Number of Cubicle Curtains in each room.

Inven­to­ry the num­ber of cur­tains in a room. You can choose to con­tin­ue the default of cal­cu­lat­ing the clean­ing time based on the SPC code, or you can now also choose to have the clean­ing time cal­cu­lat­ed by the num­ber of cur­tains.

Look for “Cubi­cle Cur­tains” in the “Edit Room” screen in the web appli­ca­tion.








New Cubicle Reports

The fol­low­ing reports are added under the Project Assign­ment mod­ule.

  • Cubi­cle Cur­tain Clean­ing Log Report
  • Cubi­cle Cur­tains Over­due for Clean­ing

The Cubi­cle Cur­tain Clean­ing Log Report shows cubi­cle cur­tain clean­ing data month­ly for the select­ed peri­od. The Cubi­cle Cur­tains Over­due for Clean­ing report shows the cur­tains that are at least 7 days over­due for clean­ing.