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Step 4 See the Cost Structure

Under­stand­ing soft­ware costs and get­ting them in a for­mat that is com­pa­ra­ble to oth­er soft­ware are among the tough­est chal­lenges in vet­ting soft­ware — espe­cial­ly when you often won’t find two prod­ucts that cov­er all of the same func­tion­al­i­ty.

Often, in more robust soft­ware, the ven­dor will need to ask you ques­tions to pro­vide a cus­tom esti­mate. In that case, start with under­stand­ing the cost struc­ture. Some key ques­tions to ask include: Is the soft­ware priced per user? What are the start-up costs? Do you bill month­ly or annu­al­ly? Where does pric­ing start?

For Smart Facil­i­ty’s cost struc­ture, see below or click the but­ton to request your cus­tom quote.

Request Pric­ing

Smart Facility Software Cost Structure

1. Services

Site Inventory & Database Building

This is a one-time cost and is based on clean­able square footage. It is 1.75 cents/square foot.

Staffing Report & Work Assignment Optimization

Costs vary for these two ser­vices and are cus­tom based on the ser­vice pro­vid­ed and facil­i­ty square footage.

2. Software Licensing

Individual Facilities

Based on num­ber of Users and Num­ber of Facil­i­ties. Pric­ing starts at $600/facility for the first 3 users. Con­tact us for a com­plete esti­mate.

Enterprise Pricing

We work with the largest hos­pi­tal sys­tems in the US and have great flex­i­bil­i­ty in cre­at­ing pric­ing that will work for the unique require­ments of any hos­pi­tal sys­tem.