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Step 5 Assessing ROI

In under­stand­ing the val­ue of soft­ware to your orga­ni­za­tion and in jus­ti­fy­ing the pur­chase, you will want to assess what the Return On Invest­ment (ROI) could be.

It might be a direct cost sav­ings that you can cal­cu­late. In most cas­es, it will be pre­vent­ing adverse events that would cost the facil­i­ty if they occured. Or it could save your orga­ni­za­tion time, mean­ing more patients can be served or a high­er lev­el of clean­ing can be reached. Below is our ROI sto­ry.

  • Prevent Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI)

    • CMS Reduc­tion of Pay­ments for High HAI Rates
      • CMS reduces the pay­ments of hos­pi­tals with a Total Hos­pi­tal Acquired Con­di­tion Score greater than the 75th per­centile of all Total HAC Scores by 1%.
    • Envi­ron­men­tal ser­vices alone is respon­si­ble for clean­ing those sur­faces. If EVS were to aid in pre­vent­ing just one MRSA infec­tion per year, it would more than pay for itself.
    • Dan­ger­ous envi­ron­men­tal infec­tions sur­vive from weeks to months on sur­faces.

    Cost of an HAI is up to


    in the case of MRSA

  • Raise HCAHPS Scores

    • HCAHPS scores are pub­licly report­ed, affect­ing con­sumer choice and opin­ion.
    • HCAHPS scores are used as the basis for award­ing or with­hold­ing .3% of reim­burse­ment by Medicare to hos­pi­tals.

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    HCAHPS questions

    result directly from environmental services performance.

  • Avoid Operational Costs of Not Investing in EVS Workforce Software

    In addition to costs associated with HAIs and compromised HCAHPS scores, there are operational costs to NOT investing in EVS software and your EVS workforce:

    Workforce-Related Costs

    Cost 1: Pay­ing Employ­ees Over­time

    Cost 2: Poor Employ­ee Morale in an envi­ron­ment where cus­tomer ser­vice mat­ters

    Cost 3: High Employ­ee Turnover = more time spent train­ing, less time spent clean­ing

    System-Related Costs

    Cost 1: Slow­er Patient Turnover

    Cost 2: Neg­a­tive Rep­u­ta­tion and Reduced Mar­ket Share

    Read Full Arti­cle

  • See Client Case Studies

    Woman’s Hospital — Baton Rouge Case Study

    Using the Staffing Analy­sis Tool in ES Opti­miz­er, they actu­al­ly found they had three extra FTEs, which were used to staff a new build­ing.

    Open Case Study

    Ohio Health Case Study

    EVS depart­ments using ES Opti­miz­er have report­ed reduc­ing time spent on admin­is­tra­tive work by up to 12 hours per pay peri­od, and reduc­ing the labor cost for man­age­ment to gen­er­ate new work assign­ments by up to 98%.

    Open Case Study